
发布时间:2023-05-09     浏览量:


陕西师范大学拟于2023 年 5月 14 日举行 HSK 四级、HSK 五级、HSK 六级 线下考试(机考)及HSKK中级、高级口语线下考试(机考),本次考试我校全体国际学生均可通过线上报名,请需要参加考试的同学们及时登录汉语考试服务网http://www.chinesetest.cn/index.do进行报名。


Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)| Notice of Registration for HSK iBT at Center

The HSK level4, HSK level5, HSK level6 offline test (computer test) and HSKK intermediate and advanced level offline test (computer test) will be held in SNNU on May 14, 2023. All international students in our university can register online. Please sign up for the network http://www.chinesetest.cn/index.do in time.

Note: once the registration fee is successful, the fee is non-refundable, and the test level, test center and test form cannot be changed.

* In order to avoid unnecessary refund or change of test center, please call 85307408 before registration.


附件:SNNU 5月14日HSK考试【线下OFFline】.PDF