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Application Guide to the Visiting Program for Young Sinologists 2017 (Xi’an)
发布时间:2017-03-09     浏览量:

Brief Introduction

Exchanging and learning between different cultures will enhance mutual understanding and contribute to the progress of human civilization. The modern China is witnessing radical economic, social and cultural changes, which along with the ancient civilization and tradition, have offered plenty of materials, methods and ideas for China studies in the new era.

Aiming at supporting China studies by young scholars around the world, facilitating their co-researches with China-based academic, cultural, educational institutions, groups, enterprises and scholars, as well as helping them achieve academic excellence and international influence, the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China (MOC) and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) jointly host the Visiting Program for Young Sinologists (VPYS).

The VPYS has been successfully delivered six times since 2013. It was held respectively in Beijing, Shanghai and Xian in 2016 and well received by the participants. The Visiting Program for Young Sinologists 2017 will be held in Beijing, Shanghai, Xian and Zhengzhou respectively.

Organization Institutes

Hosts: Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China

Organizers: Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture, Center of International Cultural Exchange, Shaanxi Normal University

Themes and Features of the Program

1.Themes of Research

A.Studies on contemporary China and the world, including Chinese values, China’s Road and China Model, the Belt and Road Initiative, China governance system, China’s economic transition and innovation, China’s public policy, international relations of China, China’s “soft power”, and the Strategies of West China Development (Xi’an) etc.

B.Studies on the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, including Chinese culture, history and ideology, protection of cultural heritage, cross-culture comparison, culture spread in the era of new media, and cultural inheritance and development especially against the background of the Belt and Road Initiative (Xi'an) etc.

C.Studies on Chinese humanities and social studies, including Chinese literature, history and philosophy, Chinese art theory and practice, the history and status quo of idea exchange between China and other countries, and China studies, etc.

2. Program Features

A. Intensive lecturing: lectures presented by renowned Chinese scholars and experts for participants.

B. Professional research: according to the pre-submitted outline, the participants will be attached to different partner organizations for in-depth researches and studies;

C. Reasearch tours: participants will also take a tour on China social status and cultural heritage, and participate in social bonding activities.

D. Closing ceremony and ideas sharing: the closing ceremony of the program during which participants will share ideas and experience, give feedbacks and make suggestions.

E. Follow-up report: A report of 3000 to 5000 words should be submitted after the program. All the report submitted will be compiled into a book and then published.

The expenses related to the program including international round-trip fare, local food and accommodation will covered by the hosts.

3. Program Schedule

September 6th (Wed.)-September 26th (Tues.)


The expenses related to the program including international round-trip air- fare (economy class), local food and accommodation, collective transportation, as well as lecturing fee would be shouldered by the Chinese side.


1. Eligibility Standards

A. Basic requirements: Applicants should be aged between 25 and 45 and in good health (a health certificate issued by the native country health organization required); acquire fluency in spoken and written Chinese (priority) or English, with college educational background.

B. Working experiences: Applicants should have relevant working experiences in well-known think tanks, government departments, research institutions, educational institutions or artistic, cultural, media organizations; cultural creativity companies etc.

C. Academic ability: Applicants should have published research papers, writings or translated works related to China; or have ongoing China-related research projects; have excellent leadership skills or potential in China studies.

2. Application Method

Applicants should submit the application form tojiachen@snnu.edu.cnbefore April 1st, 2017.

3.Selection Process

The candidates should be recommended by the Chinese embassies (or consulates), overseas China Cultural Centers, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shannxi Normal University, Zhengzhou University or renown scholars and think tank. The final participants will be determined by an expert panel organized by the secretariat of VPYS. Hosts will jointly send out invitations.

Consultation and Contacts

Jia Chen、Liu Kun(International School of Chinese Studies, Shaanxi Normal University)


Tel: +86-29-85303761;+86-29-85303761

Fax: +86-29-85303653

Liu Aili(Division of External Cultural Relations, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture )


Tel: +86-29-87218473

Fax: +86-29-87218473

Application Form Download Link

Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture

Shaanxi Normal University

March 10th, 2017