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发布时间:2019-03-19     浏览量:

  1. 学生出勤率须达到三分之二才有资格参加考试。不论什么原因缺课达三分之一者,取消考试资格。

    1. Students are eligible for exams when they attend at least two thirds of their classes. Anyone who attends less than two thirds of their classes, whatever the reason, is not allowed to take any exam.

  2. 学生考试成绩由平时成绩和卷面成绩两部分组成:卷面成绩占70%,平时成绩占30%。平时成绩由出勤情况、课堂表现和作业情况决定,由任课教师判定。

    2. The Scores of each student is comprised of two parts: the during semester performance counting for 30% and the final exams counting for 70%, the former is given by the teachers in assessment of the student’s attendance, class performance and assignments.

  3. 学生必须在所选课程班级考试,不得降级考试,例如在三班上课的学生不允许到二班参加考试。

    3. Students should only take exams in their own class (at the level they are in). No one is allowed to take exams at lower levels. For example, students in class 3 are not allowed to take exams for class 2.

  4. 学生应按照统一安排参加考试,如语言生确需提前考试者,应向办公室提出申请,获得批准后,按照规定缴费,由办公室统一安排。提前考试时间不得超过一个月。

    4. Students are required to take the exams at designated time and dates. If Language Students with good reason requires an earlier exam to be given ahead of the designated date, he or she should apply to the General Office, pay the exam fee after approval and then take the exam at the specified new date and time. This exam cannot be more than one month earlier than the original schedule.

  5. 本学期不能参加考试者可向办公室提出申请,在下学期开学第一个月末参加补考,并交纳补考费。

    5. If a student can not take the exams at the end of this semester, he or she can apply and pay the exam fee to the General Office in order to take the make-up exams at the end of the first month of the following semester.

  6. 考试不及格者在下学期第一个月末有一次补考机会,但需缴纳补考费。

    6. If a student fails any exam, he or she may apply and pay the exam fee to the General Office in order to take the make-up exams at the end of the first month of the following semester.

  7. 考试成绩合格发结业证书,如有不及格课程,可颁发学习证明。

    7. A student gets a Certificate of Completion when he or she passes the exams (a score of 60 or more). If a student fails any exam, he or she can get a Certificate of Study, but not a Certificate of Completion.

  8. 学生应严格遵守考试纪律。闭卷考试不得互问答案,不得抄别人或课本上的答案,不得用词典(包括电子词典和手机词典)。如发现一次,予以警告,再犯则没收考卷,取消考试资格。如有替考现象,则替考者与被替考者本学期所有成绩予以取消。

    8. Students should follow the Examination Rules strictly. In closed-book exams, students are not allowed to talk to each other, ask others the answers, copy answers from others or books, or use dictionaries (including electronic dictionaries or mobile phone dictionaries). The student will be warned for the first offense, and will be disqualified for the exam if caught for the second time. If anyone is caught as a surrogate exam-taker, this person and the person surrogated for will all be disqualified from the exams and all their exam results will be cancelled.

    国际汉学院Int’l School of Chinese Studies